GCHB CH Diamond Sky Steal the Moment CA BCAT CGC TKN

AKC #: PR20522802
CHIC #: 171528
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Normal
Eyes: Normal
Sire: CH Autumn Wind of Oz
Dam: Diamond Sky Front Page News CAX
Thyroid: Normal
Cardiac: Normal
Von Willebrand: Clear
NEwS: Clear
PRA-prcd: Clear
DM: Clear
GM2: Clear
Osteochondrodysplasia: Clear
Angel Falls Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again CA BCAT CGCA TKP ATT VHMA VSWB FITS


Sire: MBISS MBIS GCHS CH Tarquin Huffish Piedmont's Starboy
Dam: BISOH GCH CH Harwood Tiffany Of Angel Falls CGC
AKC #: PR22015002
CHIC #: 174677
OFA Hips: Good
Eyes: Normal
Thyroid: Normal
Cardiac: Normal
Von Willebrand: Clear
NEwS: Clear
PRA-prcd: Clear
DM: Clear
GM2: Clear
Osteochondrodysplasia: Clear

Early in the morning on October 14th, Mia began to show some signs that made me suspect it could be the day. I checked her temperature several times that morning, waiting for a temperature drop, but her temperature was still normal. I figured "not yet--but maybe later tonight." So, I went about my day as normal. The whelping room was already set up with everything stocked, and Mia was already sleeping in there, getting accustomed the whelping pen.
Later that afternoon, I laid down with her on a bed I had set up right next to the whelping pen. After some time and without any warning at all, Mia popped up in a panic, spinning around. I realized her water had broke and a puppy was on its way! Then, the visual contractions started and within less than 5 minutes our first puppy was born. I tried to lead her to the whelping box, but she did not want to lay down. So, this puppy was delivered into my hands with her standing in the whelping pen. This first puppy was our pink girl, born at 4:48pm, weighing 12.8 ounces.
With the first puppy, Mia was not sure yet what to do. So, I started cleaning her up and clearing her airway. Mia then started cleaning her. Soon, however, another puppy arrived. The second puppy was born less than 30 minutes later--at 5:10pm. This was our light blue boy, weighing 16.6 ounces. With this second puppy, Mia was figuring out what she was supposed to do, and started tending to him right away. After the first two were born, I was able to get Mia to lay down on a dog bed, and these first two puppies got a chance to nurse and get some colostrum.
Mia took about an hour and half break before puppy number three arrived. As she started to push for the third one, Mia decided to jump back on the bed. I decided to let her stay if she was more comfortable there. So, that is where she delivered puppies number three and four. Our third puppy, who was our dark blue boy, was born at 6:43pm and weighed 13.4 ounces. The forth puppy came quickly thereafter at 6:58pm. This one was our purple girl weighing 14.2 ounces.
After these four were born, Mia took a two hour break in her labor. During this time, she nursed her four puppies and re-hydrated. We also gave her calcium supplements during her labor to help keep her going. At 8:42pm puppy number five arrived, weighing in at 14.0 ounces. This was our orange girl. Although she was breach, the delivery was smooth without any issue.
Finally, at 9:28pm our yellow girl arrived, weighing in at 15.8 ounces. Noting that she was at the end of her labor, I asked one of my helpers to cook her up some food. We made her steak, eggs, and goat milk pudding, which she greatly enjoyed.
In total, Mia had six puppies--four girls and two boys.

At three days old, the puppies had their first nail trim. We then trimmed them every 2-3 days thereafter because their tiny nails grow quite fast and can get sharp if not trimmed regularly. This early exposure to routine nail trims also helps them get used to the process to enable stress-free nail trims when they're older. We also began Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) at this age, following the Puppy Culture protocol.

All the puppies were growing at a healthy rate. By about two weeks old, a couple of them started peeking their eyes open. Also, at two weeks old, I started getting them used to elements of grooming by shaving their paws. They were each so good about it, relaxing and napping in my arms as I gently shaved their tiny paws. As with nail trims, early introduction to the clippers and shaving helps get them used to grooming so they don't have a fear response to grooming at an older age.

At three weeks old, all the puppies got their first face shaves. They also got some practice being on a grooming table. And, as they started getting their feet under them and started standing, I started teaching them how to properly stack on the table. Below is our dark blue boy, stacking at three weeks old. He ultimately ended up being my keeper male from this litter.

As the puppies became more mobile, I expanded their space, moving them from their whelping pen to a larger x-pen. I set up a potty area in the pen, using fake grass, to help lay the foundations for potty training. They took to the "grass" quickly and began consistently using the grass patch to potty. Also, each day I introduced them to at least one new toy, experience, or puzzle. This type of exposure during a vital time of rapid brain development helps create resilient, confident dogs, with exceptional problem-solving skills.

Below is a video of the puppies' first attempt at the Puppy Culture Barrier Challenge.

Here are some photos from the puppies' first baths. We start bathing around 3-4 weeks and bathe about 2 times a week thereafter.

The puppies turned 6 weeks old right around Thanksgiving. So, we did an Autumn/Thanksgiving themed photo shoot with them.

We do our puppy evaluations at 8 weeks. This is the best time to evaluate for structure and temperament. We are looking for which dogs would best be suited for show and performance homes. We also assess temperament to determine who would be the best fit for each companion home.

Our puppies go to their new homes between 9-10 weeks old. This way, they will have received at least two Distemper/Parvo vaccines before leaving. Also, we find that staying with their litter mates an extra week or two beyond the standard 8 weeks is beneficial for their overall social development. Before the puppies left, we took some Christmas-themed photos of them.

Our Light Blue boy went to a wonderful home and is now known as Lucien (L'Enfant Lucien De Brivali). Our yellow girl went to her sire's owners and is living it up with her father as well as her aunt and uncle. Her name is Nilla (Brivali At Diamond Sky Steal The Wafers), and she'll be beginning her show career later this year.
Dark blue, pink, purple, and orange girls will be also hitting the show circuit later this year. We named dark blue Valentino (Brivali's Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy), pink Porsche (Brivali's Firing on all Cylinders), purple Toula (Brivali's Lightning Before the Thunder), and orange Schatzi (Brivali's Treasure).